Alien Explorations

Alien: Nostromo commissary images

leading from

commissary with coffee maker (photo from Charles Lippincott's collection)

commissary with coffee maker (photo from Fantastic Films #11)

commissary with coffee maker (photo from The Alien Anthology (My source:

kitchenette with coffee maker

kitchenette with coffee maker (photo from Charles Lippincott's collection)

 kitchenette with coffee maker  (photo from Charles Lippincott's collection) 

kitchenette with coffee maker (photo from Charles Lippincott's collection)

Opposite side with drink dispensers (photo from Charles Lippincott's collection)

same opposite side of kitchenette with drink dispenser
(photo from Charles Lippincott's collection)

Kitchenette leading into the eating room
Another kitchenette area with food preparation space at the side of eating room

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