Alien Explorations

Ridley Scott article by Fettatiminn

Ridley Scott is quoted in Icelandic as saying "Þau fundu ekki beinagrind í geimskipinu í fyrstu myndinni heldur búning og þá spyr maður sig hvað hafi verið í þessum búningi? Hvers vegna var það á ferðinni og hvert var það að fara? Í mínum huga hefur það alltaf verið þannig að ef einhver er svo brjálæðislega klár að hann geti skapað eitthvað jafn skelfilegt og veruna í Alien þá hljóti það sköpunarverk að hafa verið hugsað sem vopn."

However a confusing Googletranslation from Icelandic to English reveals confusing discussion about the space jockey.

Ridley Scott:"They found no skeletons in a spaceship in the first film but a costume and then man asks himself what was in this guise? Why was it on the move and where was it going? For me it has always been that if someone is 'crazy smart'(?) that he could create something as terrible as creatures of the Alien and the fact that all creatures have been designed as a weapon. "(frettatiminn)

1. The half translated question about "what was in this guise?" brings us back to the question Ridley posed in the VIP room at Heroes Complex festival in LA about whether the space jockey's body was a suit or a carcass,. but the conversation appeared to have been left unrecorded and no one followed him up since on the point of discussion . See floating carcass comment

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