Alien Explorations

Prometheus: As Revealed In The Film

In the film's story, when Elizabeth Shaw and Holloway conceived the mission to find the engineers, their expectations was that they were on their way to Paradise and would discover a benevolent species that might provide answers to some of humanity's greatest mysteries. In other words, they were hoping to meet gods, but these being prove to be anything but compassionate.

Instead they are a dangerous race of superbeings and their destination was a dark, twisted and frightening world, a way station to these beings. The cold and implacable environment is more like hell than heaven.

  1. Executive producer Michael Ellenberg: When Shaw and Holloway conceived the mission, their expectation was they would discover a benevolent species that might provide answers to some of our greatest mysteries, In other words they were hoping to meet gods.  But these beings prove to be anything but compassionate.  They are a dangerous race of superbeings. (screenslam April 21, 2012)  
  2.  Jon Spaihts: The crew of the Prometheus thinks they’re headed to paradise to discover answers to the ultimate questions.  But what they find is a dark and twisted and frightening world – a way station for these beings. The cold and implacable environment is more like hell than heaven.  (screenslam April 21, 2012)

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