Alien Explorations

Alien Origins (Hemlock Horror Companions)

leading from

a) Just a note for Alien enthusiasts, a book (bookazine) called Alien Origins, Hemlock's Horror Companion is on sale, perhaps much of the book covers familiar ground but the writer appears to own a copy of the Alien script with the "alien city" in it which appears to be one of those rare items that people in the Alien completist community want to read and he uses chunks from the script to show stages in the script's evolution. Yes, I'd love a copy of that script myself.

b) It is a nicely written book by someone who obviously enjoyed the subject and the various detailed bits of information associated with it. I'll be digging further into the book as time goes by.

c) A correction I would make though in the book is that quotes from Ron Shusett in the book for some reason attributed to the Weyland-Yutani Archives should be as far as I can see from the interview at Cinefantastique Online. But please still visit the Weyland-Yutani Archives at

d) The writer makes a statement that Giger's art was partially a result of his use of opium which is something that everyone would like to jump onto the bandwagon with the usual headlines that people want to write about him. I managed to pull up the fact from something that Stanislav Grof said, that Giger actually took medically prescribed opium for his depression.

e) Purchase Alien Origins:…/…/0993398928


  1. Can't remember the exact quote offhand, but O'Bannon comments on the Making of Alien DVD feature that Giger offered him opium with the qualifier that 'it shields me from my visions', or something to that effect, I can only paraphrase. So, completely the opposite from having inspired his art!

    1. Yes, I documented the story about Giger and his opium here.

    2. Still it's peculiar. Giger did appear to use as medically prescribed to perhaps to deal with his fearful visions or even for his depression about the death of his girlfriend Li, But the use of it can channel creativity in an interesting way that Picasso and Cocteau made use of until they decided that they had to give it up and then regret together years later that they had to. Perhaps Giger's creativity might have benefited from it as well in that certain way, but I wouldn't say that it was the source of his interesting creativity.
