Alien Explorations

The Nativity icon, St Catherine's Monastery, South Sinai Governorate, Egypt, approximately 7th century AD.

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The Nativity icon, St Catherine's Monastery, South Sinai Governorate, Egypt, approximately 7th century AD.

a) The Nativity icon, St Catherine's Monastery in comparison to the Henu Barque
Does this Nativity icon references the Henu Barque configuration?

The barque becomes the cradle of the baby Jesus.

The three rudders become the three wise men.

The lower kestrel head becomes the head of the baby Jesus and so the animal heads are the other white spaces.

(The little donkey head reminds me of the bull head to be found behind the Oryx head)

Semi circular loops beneath the barque become the arched legs of the cradle

The oryx horns and the fan become the virgin Mary as well as the roof of the mound above her
The Henu Barque from The Papyrus of Ani
b) See: Echoes of visions of Occator crater first photographed by the Dawn Space Probe in 2015

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