Alien Explorations

Alien: Alexandre O Philippe's Memory - The Origins of Alien: Chest burster scene

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Variety news observed that Veronica Cartwright was interviewed for the movie, she described the chestburster beast as a monster penis and it was no accident.

It was operated as a puppet, sunk in red goo or store-bought animal guts, which made the set smell vile and when the crew members of the Nostromo reeled back in cringing shock at the blood spray, it wasn’t all acting.

No one knew, on the set that day, how badly they were going to be splattered.

El Mundo newspaper observed that Veronica pointed out with laughter that the the animal that emerges up in the blood does not cease to be a phallus in the most evident and graphic male violation that a screen has ever experienced

  1. Variety: the filmmakers wound up with a skittery beast that looked like what “Alien” cast member Veronica Cartwright, interviewed for the movie, describes as a monster penis (and that was no accident). It was operated as a puppet, sunk in the red goo of store-bought animal guts, which made the set smell vile, and when the crew members of the Nostromo reeled back in cringing shock at the blood spray, it wasn’t all acting. No one knew, on the set that day, how badly they were going to be splattered. (
  2. El Mundo: Y como bien señala la actriz Veronica Cartwright entre risas, el animal que surge entre la sangre no deja de ser un falo en la más evidente y gráfica violación masculina que ha vivido jamás una pantalla. ( Translation: And as actress Veronica Cartwright points out with laughter, the animal that emerges in the blood is still a phallus in the most obvious and graphic male rape that a screen has ever experienced.(

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