Alien Explorations

Alien Covenant: Stephane Levallois tackles the Neomorph

leading from

Stephane Levallois ( 3rd October 2015)

c)  By October 3rd, 2015, Stephane had produced a version of the Neomorph that met with Ridley's approval, and this steered the evolution of the creature's design towards a final direction
  1. Stephane Levallois: Le design du neomorph adulte validé par Ridley Scott...( September 27, 2017) Google translate: The design of the adult neomorph validated by Ridley Scott... 
  2. Stephane Levallois: My final concept for the adult neomorph.   (Art station

Stephane Levallois; "Baby Neomorph Galop" 22nd October 2015


d) Ridley saw the Neomorph drawing and said to Stephane, "You did that?"

"Yes I did" replied Stephane

"Good but too thin" replied Ridley

  1. Stephane Levallois: "You did that?" me demande Ridley Scott..."Yes i did", i said..."Good, but too thin" me répond-il... ( October 25, 2017)

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