Alien Explorations

Supposed "Mayan" artifact showing contact with extra terrestrials, Side B as seen on America Unearthed


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a) Supposed "Mayan" artifact showing contact with extra terrestrials, Side B 

Supposed "Mayan" artifact showing contact with extra terrestrials, Side B (Image brought to my attention via which appeared in America Unearthed, Season 4, Episode 2: Alien Artifacts. (The America Unearthed program I believe presented a skeptical view about the item)


b.i) References The Spell IV (work 331) (1977) by HR Giger?

Giger's The Spell IV (1977)



b.ii) The two side by side 

b.iii) Comparable areas showing the baphomet and the throned figure

b.iv) The baphomet head becomes the head of the throned figure

b.v) The naked female's upper legs and torso becomes the upper details of the back of the throne Overlapping snake forms become the circle tail forms




c.i) References Passage Temple (The way of the magician) (work 264) 1975 by HR Giger?

c.ii) The images side by side


c.iii) The form of the woman body up to the shoulders becomes the female figure seen from the side

c.iv)  Female head and female head seen from the side

c.v) Metal support becomes the bowl The rear of a female figure becomes the circle in the sky

d.i) References the Mad Hatter's Tea Party from Lewis Carroll's “Alice in Wonderland” (1865) by Sir John Tenniel ?

d.ii) The two images side by side


d.iii) The March Hare becomes a female figure

d.iv)  The march hare's head and the female's head with head dress
d.v) The mad hatter becomes the figure on the throne
  Bow tie and comparable horizontal forms sticking out either side of the head

d.vii) Right side of back of chair and tea cup with saucer becomes a head of the human crouching at the end


1 comment:

  1. "Supposed "Mayan" artifact showing contact with extra terrestrials, Side B as seen on America Unearthed" added January 5th 2021
