Alien Explorations

Dance (1910) by Henri Matisse echoes Cerealia Facula on Occator Crater on the Ceres ?

 a) Dance (1910) by Henri Matisse
b) Cerealia Facula on Occator Crater on the Ceres 
When looking at Cerealia Facula, I have often thought about giant interlinked figures who might be dancing around in circles, and when I came to take a good look at Dance by Henri Matisse, I suddenly thought that perhaps this might somehow connect with the Cerealia Facula, as if somehow Matiss had created a loose interpretation
c) Here we have Cerealia Facula next to Matisse's Dance reversed,
d) This would be the nearest interpretation if I looked for shapes and lines in this photo of the landform, . 
Of course I don't actually think that Matisse actually was looking at photographs of Occator crater, but it is as if he felt some of the enigma in some detail as if I magic.

e.i) Formations on upper left of Cerealia Facula and equivalent figure from Dance
e.ii) Formation on upper left of Cerealia Facula and equivalent figure from Dance
e.iii) Formation on far left of Cerealia Facula and equivalent figure from Dance

f)  Midldle uppper area and the middle dancer in the background  with arms outstretched
g) Head and shoulders area and equivalent area with end figure connecting with figure in the background
g.ii)  The top dark area the head and shoulders formation and the equivalent blue space between end dancer's bodies and arms

h.i)  Lower part of Cerealia Facula and equivalent part of Dance
h.ii) The tholus would become the part where two arms stretch across before the lower legs of the upper central dancer

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