Alien Explorations

Alien life form (unused design for 2001 A Space Odyssey) (Film released April 2, 1968) by Christiane Kubrick references "Mother with Child" (work 72)(1967) by HR Giger?


 leading from 

a) Alien life form (unused design for 2001 A Space Odyssey) (Film released April 2, 1968) by Christiane Kubrick



 b)  "Mother with Child" from 1967 by HR Giger?

c) Here Christiane would have had no indention of making anything specifically like Giger's picture to the point where it looked like a woman with child

 The comparison between the two makes more sense if one thinks of the upper torso and head being used for the Christiane's alien creature's torso with the pipes sticking out of the face becoming the prongs and the ears becoming an end of a sort of a curving tube, but the head comes from from elsewhere as does the base of the figure.



d) Comparable areas 

Chest area of mother with child and mid torso of non humanoid alien form

e) Comparable areas

More or less the pipes become the prongs


f) Comparable areas

The ear becomes this sort of a pipe opening


g) Comparable areas

The idea of the ribbing

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