Alien Explorations

HR Giger: Alien Monster V (work 410) (1978) by HR Giger references L'Acier Travaille (1927) by Frantisek Kupka?

leading from


a) Alien Monster V (work 410) (1978) by HR Giger


b) L'Acier Travaille (1927) by Frantisek Kupka


c) Mid right slanting forms on both

d) Horizontal bar on the bottom left and phallic protrusion.


e) Comparable ribbing patterns at the top centre


f) Comparable ribbing patterns at the top centre


g) Slanting mechanical details from the mid left on both

1 comment:

  1. "HR Giger: Alien Monster V (work 410) (1978) HR Giger references L'Acier Travaille (1927) by Frantisek Kupka?" was posted on January 21st 2023
