Alien Explorations

Giger and the architecture of Cambodia

leading from

Giger also admitted the likelihood that he was influenced by the reliefs of Apsaras in Cambodia and especially by the fantastic atmosphere that emanates from the symbiosis between the roots of the giant Kapok tree and the Ta Prohm temples of Angkor, an atmosphere that Giger felt was undoubtly biomechanic.

reliefs of Apsaras in Cambodia

Ta Prohm Face Tower
roots of the giant Kapok tree and the Ta Prohm temples of Angkor
Angkor Wat

Source Quotes
  1. Giger: Pour répondre plus précisémént à votre question, j'ai sans doute été influencé par les bas reliefs des Apsaras au Cambodge, également et surtout par l'atmosphère fantastique qui se dégage de la symbiose entre les racines des Fromagers géants et les temples à Ta Prohm, une atmosphère indéniablement Biomécanique (rires), en fait je pense que la vision moderne de l'architecture des sites angkoriens a profondément marquée l'inconcient collectif occidental! (translation) To answer more specifically to your question, I probably was influenced by the reliefs of Apsaras in Cambodia, also and especially by the fantastic atmosphere that emanates from the symbiosis between the roots of the giant kapok and Ta Prohm temples, an atmosphere undoubtedly Biomechanics (laughs), I actually think that the modern vision of the architecture of the Angkorian sites had deeply marked the Western collective unconsciousness ! ( Le monde selon HR Giger)

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