Alien Explorations

Alien: Facehugger drawing curiously attributed to Ron Cobb?

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Mysteriously odd drawing of an Alien face hugger curiously attributed to Ron Cobb

An odd drawing of the Facehugger turned up a few years ago online, was it at ebay and was said to be by Ron Cobb.

However it also turned up later displayed with egg at the EMP Museum in Seattle, Washington. 

I can't see if there's information about its source

Sketch of facehugger turns up displayed with 
egg at the EMP Museum in Seattle , Washington.

Sketch of facehugger turns up displayed with 
egg at the EMP Museum in Seattle , Washington

"Facehugger concept art by James Hegedus for the film Alien and
egg from the movie Alien Resurrection . MOPOP Seattle"


  1. That is absolutely not a Cobb drawing. Doesn't even look like his style.

    1. Yes, it's reasonable to throw doubt on it, but then what was it doing at the Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle? Are their exhibits that doubtful and bad?

    2. However, if it should have been a chuckable sketch by Cobb or whoever that was something from the early Alien production phase, I suppose that I would be looking for an illustration from a Tintin book that Cobb or whoever might have loosely referenced, and if there is one, I haven't worked it out yet.

    3. Okay, well once upon a time this thing was being advertised as Ron Cobb's art, I suppose on ebay. I thought it looked rather odd but interesting still. Later I noticed it was in a photo of a display a the Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle, but I couldn't see what it said and now I've found a flickr page where it says that it's by James Hegedus whoever that is.
