Alien Explorations

Alien: HR Giger's Preliminary Egg Silo interior

leading from Alien: The Egg silo

egg wagons (1)

a) Segmented Circular Container
Drawn on the 19th April 1978, early in the production, HR Giger's first drawing for the egg silo, was a circular container, divided into segments of equal size by rods running from the top of the wall to the mid-point of the floor, and each segment was filled with eggs

Egg Wagons (2)

b) Entrance Tube
An entrance tube made from a membrane hangs down from the ceiling, with tubes down the the side. Perhaps an egg is seen to fall from the central tube in the first picture. 

c) Egg Wagons
Little egg wagons with scooper like devices run along a monorail made from the dividing rods and up to the ceiling along the partitions in the building.The wagon swivels around, and a tongue like device extends from it, picking up the eggs and holds its within a container before running up along the wall and up along the arch of the ceiling to deposit it in an opening at the top of an egg tube.

Source quote
  1. HR Giger: The interior of the eggsilo which now forms a circular container, is divided into segments of equal size by rods running from the top of the wall to the mid-point of the floor, each segment is filled with eggs. (Giger's Alien, 6th July 1978, p42)
Egg Silo interior showing egg tube and egg wagon (uploaded by me, taken from Giger's Alien)

Egg Silo interior, uploaded by me, taken from Giger's Alien

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