Alien Explorations

First Alien 3 plans

leading from

a) Scenarios Leading Nowhere
The producers had ideas ranging from the aliens invading Earth, where they fuse into a giant, multi-talented monster that destroys New York City, which seemed to be the basic scenario used for an Eric Red script.
However it takes place on an offworld colony, with Ripley and Newt hunting an especially mobile creature in a Blade Runner-eseque off-world Metropolis.
Unsatisfied with these concepts, Hill, Giler and Carroll eventually returned to what worked in the first two films, a dark, isolated, labyrinthine setting.

b) Weyland Vs Seperatists scenario evolves
They soon found themselves returning for input, both because they had respect for Sigourney's judgment.
They thought she'd be more likely to reprise her role if they brought her in as co-producer to help the story and Lieutenant Ripley evolve.
David Giler and Walter Hill each labored on several ideas before settling upon a complex two part story. 
It offered the idea of the underhanded Weyland-Yutani Corporation (known as "The Company") facing off with militarily aggressive culture of humans whose rigid socialist ideology had caused them to separate from Earth society. 

Sigourney would only make a cameo appearance in it and demanded that Alien 3 and 4 be produced concurrently to lessen production costs.

c) Grabbing Ridley Scott's interest
The idea at the time was that his version was intended to be directed by Ridley Scott. 
Sigourney and producers talked to Ridley Scott briefly about making another Alien.
Unfortunately Ridley couldn't get it together because he had just completed Someone To Watch Over Me (1987) and was preparing Black Rain (1989) and was scheduled to shoot Thelma And Louise (1991). 

Source Quote
  1. The producers' ideas ranged from the aliens invading Earth, where they fuse into a giant, multi-talented monster that destroys New York City to Ripley and Newt hunting an especially mobile creature in a Blade Runner-esque off-world Metropolis, and then unsatisfied with these concepts, Hill, Giler and Carroll eventually returned to what worked in the first two films, a dark, isolated, labyrinthine setting. And they soon found themselves returning for input, both because they had respect for her judgment and because they thought she'd be more likely to reprise her role if they brought her in as co-producer to help the story and Lieutenant Ripley evolve. (Cinescape, 1992) 
  2. Hill and Giler each labored on several ideas before settling upon a complex two part story that offered the underhanded Weyland-Yutani Corporation (known as "The Company") facing off with militarily aggressive culture of humans whose rigid socialist ideology has caused them to seperate from Earth Society. Weaver would only make a cameo appearance in it demanded that Alien 3 and Alien 4 be produced concurrently to lessen production costs. "We talked to Ridley briefly" said Weaver, who was enthusiastic about the possibility of working with Scott again. "But he could never get it together."  The director had just completed Someone To Watch Over Me and was preparing Black Rain. He was also scheduled to shoot Thelma and Louise, the feminist road picture for which he would receive and Academy Award nomination. Though interested in returning to the franchise, he was woefully overcommitted. (Sigourney Weaver, Cinescape  1992)
  3. Le Fox a même mis en suspens la production de Alien III, pour se concentrer sur la sortie de cette gigantesque production-ci, dont le budget avoisine les 40 millions de dollars de bruit incongru de... 60 millions de dollars est aussi répandu (Translation: Fox has even shelved the production of Alien III, to focus on the release of this gigantic producing one, whose budget is around incongruous sound of the 40 million ... 60 million is as widespread)(Mad Movies 60,p16)

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