Alien Explorations

Alien Resurrection:
Brainstorm's giant sphincter-like construct leads to the viper pit?

a) An interesting comparison is one of the unused intended fleshscape for the movie Brainstorm shown in Cinefex magazine #14 , October 1983 which has a sphincter in the centre that spews out calf brains. 
Cinefex of course is a top magazine dealing with cinema special effects and so it would not be completely unlikely that the article was seen by anyone in the Alien Resurrection production
  1. From Brainstorm: a giant sphincter-like construct which erupted with calves brains produced an image that was so disturbing and graphic that Trumbull cut it from the film after preview audiences reacted to strongly to it. Around the side, the piece has been decorated with animal jaws, perhaps from cows. (Cinefex 14: p42-43)

b) In the film Alien Resurrection, a biomechanic landscape is built which swallows Ripley 8 up in the centre as she is taken to the alien queen's chamber.

One might wonder if something from the Brainstorm production perhaps seen in a magazine had crossed over into Alien Resurrection.

The Viper Pit foam sculpture from Alien Resurrection

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