Alien Explorations

Alien vs Predator:
Aztec architecture influenced by the alien Predators?

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Alien vs Predator

Paul Anderson: When I saw Predator 2, one of the things that really struck me was the design of the Predator spaceship. It was very Frank Lloyd Wright and very Aztec. They made me think that the Predators had clearly been visiting the Predators had clearly been visiting Earth for a very long time. If their spaceship looked like something on Earth, it obviously hadn't been influenced by us - we've been influenced by them. It started me thinking about what effect Predator as an alien species had on Earth. The Aztec feel of the spaceship, as well as the Ron Cobb designs they never used for pyramid in Alien, I thought that it was really interesting kind of interface. Having read the AVP comic book as well, that's where the idea of a strong female lead came from, which is also in keeping with the Alien films (Cinescape #75, p48-49)

Predator ship interior from Predator 2

a complex Aztec calendar sunstone
Predator ship interior from Predator 2

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