Alien Explorations

Prometheus: Confusion about H.R. Giger coming aboard

leading from
a) Initial mention
In December of 2010, it was announced that Giger was on board the film Prometheus which at the time was an unnamed Alien prequel
b) Second mention
In February 2011, Giger had been reported to be working away on designs for the movie Prometheus. He had met idley to discuss the details of the project and their reunion was a very happy one
c) It later would emerge
Giger actively involved himself by doing some sketches. However it appeared enough as if he had given his blessing to what was being done. He would take note of the fact that some of the work was based directly on his own while other elements were mixed in with his own.

d) Work on murals instead
By the end of the year, December 2011. What was perceived as an important role in the production design in Prometheus somehow turned into a small amount of work,  some murals that at the time Ridley thought would be seen in one of the first chambers that they explorers from the Prometheus encounter when they land on the planet that is their destination.

e) Nothing left but designs based on his old work
Nothing of Giger's apart from designs adapted from his old designs from the original Alien movie were used. By the time he had come to visit Ridley Scott, two months after it was announced that he was on board, the project seemed to have gone far beyond any need for Giger to have any important role in the new design work, and it was hoped that the design work he did for the mural would indeed result in one or two of his pieces turning up in the Prometheus film, but in the final film nothing did.

  1. Blick: Giger bei "Alien"-Filmprojekt in 3D dabei.

    Giger with "Alien" - film project in 3D, besides.

    BERN - H.R. Giger, der Schöpfer der "Alien"-Figur aus dem 1979 entstandenen Film von Ridley Scott, wird erneut mit dem Regisseur zusammenarbeiten.

    BERN - H.R. Giger, the creator of the "Alien" figure from the film occurred 1979 of Ridley Scott, will cooperate again with the director.

Dies bestätigte Gigers Frau Carmen Scheifele gegenüber der Sendung «glanz & gloria» des Schweizer Fernsehens. Ihr Mann sei «on board», also dabei, sagte Scheifele ohne in die Details zu gehen. Es werde sicher einen 3D-Film geben, wahrscheinlich aber zwei. Geplant sei ein Prequel, das die Geschichte vor dem ersten Alien-Film erzählt.
    This confirmed Gigers Mrs. Carmen Scheifele opposite the broadcasting " brilliancy and Gloria " of the Swiss television. Their(her) man(husband) takes part " on board ", also, said Scheifele without in the details to go. There will be certainly a 3-D film, likely, however, two. There would be planned a Prequel which tells the history(story) before the first Alien film.(Blick , 17.12.2010
  2. Ridley: How're you doing

    H R Giger: Hi

    Ridley: This is Laura, how are you

    Max: We met with Giger, personally, he came over, we did a presentation of all our designs and hoped he would react positively, you know, because we wanted him to be impressed with what we had done. We discussed with him some fresco panels based on some of the designs he had done for the first movie that were never used that Ridley had turned me onto some of the drawings, said "you know, can we do something with these shapes and designs."

    Ridley thought it was very important to involve Giger in the design of this film and he really wanted to involve (28:00) him in any way he could in new elements, things that are, that are not necessarily backward from where we were, but are on, other similar DNA

    The other question is when he is in the space suit, in the helmet, does his head start to change...."

    We were trying to keep the things in the vein of him even though there was departure, so there was sort of different departures, but he appreciated that and he definitely, even a few pieces, even, you know,"that's mine"

    Ridley:The genesis....

    This is his flight suit, this is his pressure suit,

    Giger: oh,

    Ridley: it's nice that

    Giger: Uhuh

    Ridley: This is his pressure suit. But I took off this which is yours, so say, How does he slide into that, into the shell

    Giger: Uhuh

    Ridley: That's a shell

    Ridley Scott: We're talking about your baby. A bad baby , okay

    Anyway that's a sort

    Ridley: He saw what I was doing, I was so far down the road, I think he was a bit amazed to how things have changed now. How fast things are moving. And honestly we just had to move quickly and move on, and there's a couple of drawing here that he did which are interesting, but fundamentally I just didn't have time, I had to move, but I hope he likes the film because it's so based on his original i... origins of him are in this film which is the guy in the chair and who's the space jockey that will always be H R Giger.(Prometheus documentary< : Under The Pyramid: LV-223 )
  3. Blick: Es ist sein grösstes Filmprojekt seit über 30 Jahren. Für den neuen 250-Millionen-Dollar Blockbuster «Prometheus» von Kult-Regisseur Ridley Scott (73) wird der Schweizer Gruselkünstler H.R. Giger (71) als Chefdesigner amten. «Ridley Scott und ich haben uns in London getroffen, um alle Details des Projekts zu besprechen», bestätigt Giger. «Es war ein herzliches Wiedersehen nach so langer Zeit.»
    It is his biggest film project for over 30 years . For the new 250 -million dollar blockbuster " Prometheus " by cult director Ridley Scott ( 73) of the Swiss artist HR is scary Giger (71 ) officials as chief designer . « Ridley Scott and I have met in London to discuss all details of the project ," confirms Giger . " It was a happy reunion after such a long time . "(
  4. Blick: Bereits 1979 arbeiteten Giger und Scott für den Klassiker «Alien» sehr erfolgreich zusammen. Giger gewann dafür 1980 sogar den Oscar in der Kategorie «Beste Spezialeffekte». Nun ist das Dream-Team wiedervereint.
    Translation Back in 1979, worked Giger and Scott for the classic "Alien" with great success. Giger won it in 1980 even the Oscar in the category " Best Special Effects " . Now the dream team is reunited . (
  5. Blick: Giger werkelt tage- und vor allem nächtelang in seinem Atelier in Zürich an seinen neusten Kreaturen. «Es wird gigantisch. Ich darf jedoch nicht verraten, was ich genau mache, das ist vertraglich streng geregelt», gibt er sich wortkarg. Durchgesickert ist aber, dass «Prometheus» im «Alien»-Universum spielen wird.
    Translation: Giger works days and promarily night after night in his studio in Zurich on his latest creatures. "It is huge. However, I can not tell what I 'm doing exactly,  that is contractually strictly regulated , "he presents himself taciturn .. However it has trickled through " Prometheus " will play "Alien" universe in. (
  6. Blick: Hofft H.R. Giger nun auf seinen zweiten Oscar? «Wir werden sehen, was die Zukunft bringt», sagt der Künstler, dessen umfangreiches Werk im eigenen Museum in Gruyères FR zu bestaunen ist. «Ich habe meine Arbeiten aber nie im Hinblick auf Auszeichnungen gemacht, sonst hätte ich mich anpassen müssen.» Der Film soll im Juni 2012 in den Kinos anlaufen.
    Translation: Hopes H.R. Giger now on his second Oscar ? "We 'll see what the future holds ," says the artist, whose extensive body of work in his own museum in Gruyères is to be admired. " But I have never made my work in terms of awards, otherwise I would have had to adapt myself . » The film is scheduled to start in June 2012 in the cinemas.(
  7. Ridley Scott: So he’s doing a little bit of work for me. He’s been doing some murals, big murals, which we’ll see in almost one of the first chambers we encounter when we land where we’re gonna go. ( Filmophilia, 12th December 2011)
  8. L'Ecran Fantastique: Avez-vous collaboré avec Giger sur les nouveaux concepts qu'il aproduits pour le film?
    Ben Procter:
    Non, je n'ai pas eu ce plaisir. Mais je sais que Ridley l'a rencontré pour lui demander de participer à Prometheus. Giger a notamment réalisé le dessin d'une fresque murale que l'on verra dans le film, dans l'esprit de la peinture montrant le cycle de développement des aliens qu'il avait produite pour le premier film, mais qui n'avait pas été montrée.
    L'Ecran Fantastique: Have you worked with Giger on new concepts that aproduits for the film?
    Ben Procter:
    No, I have not had the pleasure. But I know that Ridley met him and asked him to participate in Prometheus. Giger has notably produced a drawing of a mural that will be seen in the film, in the spirit of the painting showing the development cycle of the aliens he had produced for the first film, but which did not been shown.  (L'Ecran Fantastique Hors Serie 16)
  9. Paul Banner: What was your involvement in the Alien prequel, Prometheus? Did you design any new set pieces or creatures?
    HR Giger: It was quite an honour to be approached by Ridley Scott regarding contributions to Prometheus. Both my wife Carmen and I regard Ridley as a friend and a true artist, and it thus was also a personal pleasure to meet and cooperate with him again.
    At this point in my life, I usually no longer create new designs. I believe I have created a large enough body of work, and I prefer to take it a bit easier these days and simply supervise the further development of my existing work, such as crafting sculptures from elements in my airbrush paintings. But for Prometheus I did create a number of new sketches and I also volunteered some input with regard to some of the sets used in the film
    I felt that I was being contacted a bit too late for any major involvement. Many important elements had already been designed. As far as I can see it, the final film makes use of what can perhaps be described as a blend of several of my designs and those of others (Bizarre Magazine #195, p66)
  10. HR Giger: Dabei habe ich ja gar nicht so viel gemacht, eines der Raumschiffe stammt aus meiner Feder, es beruht auf Bildern und Entwürfen, die ich schon vor 33 Jahren gemacht habe. (translation) While I did not so much, one of the ships came from my pen, it is based on images and designs I did 33 years ago.  (Blick, 9th June 2012)

1 comment:

  1. "Prometheus: Confusion about H.R. Giger coming aboard" was finally posted July 13th 2023 for some reason
