Alien Explorations

Alien: The Dresden Codex's influence
on Ron Cobb birth temple painting?

a) Sacrificial birthng scene on chamber wall
On the upper part of the wall is a scene showing the birthing ritual with the victim in a pool of blood. One might want to compare it with the sacrificial victim seen in the Dresden Mayan Codex which features a tree of life seeming to come out of a split open body as if it were a giant tentacled creature/ As in the codex. the hieroglyphs in Cobb's illustration are floating blocks. The egg shape at the top seems to have evolved from bird at the top with the long feathers of the wing turning into the radiating lines from the egg, and the curved frills of the upper wing transforming into the scales of the  egg shape.

compare the images
detail of bird and egg

b) Tree of Life as seen in the Mayan Dresden Codex
Tree of Life as seen in the Mayan Dresden Codex with perhaps a sacrificial victim on a sacrificial stone. Alien enthusiasts might notice that the tree almost resembles a tentacled creature erupting from an egg with a vagina like opening (as found here

Tree of Life as seen in the Mayan Dresden Codex

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