Alien Explorations

Alien Resurrection: Jeunet's life in Beverly Hills

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Jean-Pierre Jeunet lived above Bel Air Country Club golf course in Beverly Hills near the 14th hole during the making of Alien Resurrection. 
When he moved out, he tossed all the wayward golf balls that had made their way onto his lawn back onto the course. 
Years later, he discovered that Alfred Hitchcock had lived in a neighbouring house in Bellagio Road and did the same.

Bel Air Country Club golf course's 14th hole with Ballagio Road to the left


  1. Jeunet hasn’t just made fantastical dreamy French films, though. In the late ‘90s he journeyed to Los Angeles (another city of lost children) to try his hand at a sci-fi blockbuster sequel, “Alien: Resurrection.” He lived above a golf course in Beverly Hills near the 14th hole, and when he moved out, he tossed all the wayward golf balls that had made their way onto his lawn back onto the course. Years later, he discovered that Alfred Hitchcock had lived in a neighboring house and did the same thing. (
  2. 10957 Bellagio Road, Bel Air, Los Angeles, California

    Built in 1942, 10957 Bellagio Road, Bel Air, was the property the Hitchcock's lived in until their deaths in the 1980s.

    The 7-bedroomed house sits on a 0.64 acre site, adjacent to the Bel Air Country Club golf course, and was purchased for $40,000. Hitchcock reportedly gave Alma a new handbag for her 43rd birthday, containing a gold key to the front door.[1]

    The Hitchcock's moved to Bellagio Road from nearby St. Cloud Road, where they'd rented a property from actress Carole Lombard." (,_Bel_Air,_Los_Angeles,_California)


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