Alien Explorations

HR Giger's Totem (1983) (work 500) references Radio Times 11-17 April 1981, illustration "Idea of the Holy"

Leading from

13th April 2016, I discover at Radio Times Collectors on Facebook, a page with an illustration of Christ taken down from the cross from Radio Times 11-17 April 1981, and realised that Giger had obviously taken this picture and transformed it into a biomechanoid world. 
page from Radio Times 11-17 April 1981


The three trees on the right have been turned into heads with elongated tops and worm like bodies. 

The Angel on the right has been turned into an intricate totem pole like figure. 

The tomb that the angel sits upon has been transformed into horizontal cables.

The cross has been turned into another totem figure. 

The cloud behind the cross has been transformed into a floating worm like form 

The slanting form of one of the people gathered around Christ's body has been transformed into a 
totem pole. 

The horizontal lightning strikes on the city wall on the right have been transformed into cables. 

The supports of the wall have been turned into worm like forms with humanoid skulls .

The soldier has been converted into a shadowy totem figure, but he has placed two there

The body of Christ with the form of the hill has been transformed into a thick version of one of these deathly worm like forms, laying horizontally to the bottom of the left.

Perhaps the hill has been transformed into a floating disk behind the central figure.

Another source of reference for this painting by Giger would perhaps help to explain other elements of the painting 
Totem (work 500) (1983)

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