Alien Explorations

HR Giger's "For Judith" (work 512) references Ralph Steadman illustration from Radio Times 15-21 july 1978?

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a) On the 29th June, 2017, after realising that HR Giger's For Judith (work 512) referenced a crucifixion scene from a Radio Times cover back in March, I looked through the Radio Times on ebay and discovered in one issue a racing car illustration for the Ralph Steadman that rang bells.

Obviously anything by this illustrator was likely to be interesting, but here we had a full drawing of a Formula 1 racing car being inspected by the fans.

Radio Times 15-21 july 1978?

b) Giger turned the racing car into the elongated skull at the centre that's pointing upwards from the bottom right, with the engine area becoming the front of the skull.

c) Two of the fans' caps come together to become bug like eyes of a comical face.

d) One of the onlookers looking down on the car, most likely the top left becomes the main skull on the top left. The peak of his cap becomes the laser beam coming out of his eye down to the eye of the elongated skull below.

e) We see the tail fin of the car kept as a horizontal beam across the painting. The side hatch on the engine left open so that the engines can be seen becomes the jaw of the elongated skull.

f) Then Giger uses the position of the side hatch on the engine in relation to the tail fin so that what he transformed into the tail fin becomes the opened engine hatch and then the tail fin in relation to that is placed above diagonally upwards to the right

g) We see the front fin as a pair of tentacles coming from the back of the elongated skull, the left one wrapping around a set of fingers. The word "Gulp" becomes a pair of eye sockets of a small face at the bottom right.

h) The back left wheel becomes a set of rings around the trunk like torso of the body along the left of the painting.

i) Having said that, it makes sense to also compare the rings around the torso to the strokes along the fin along the middle of the the side of the racing car.

HR Giger's "For Judith" (work 512)

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