Alien Explorations

The Henu Barque trail through 18th century art?

leading from

a) See: Carceri Series, Plate XIV, (1745) by Giovanni Battista Piranesi

  • The Henu Barque 
  • The Lamentation (1455-60?) by Petrus Christus
Referenced in
  • "Philosopher lecturing on the orrery" by Joseph Wright of Derby (1766) 
  • Borg Sphere concept for Star Trek: First Contact (January 1996) by John Eaves

b) See: Gainsborough's Mrs and Mrs Andrews (1748)


c) See:  The Marriage of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa (Completion Date: 1751) by  Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.

  • Carceri Series, Plate XIV, (1745) by Giovanni Battista Piranesi 
  • The Lamentation (1444) by Petrus Christus

d) "Philosopher Lecturing On The Orrery" by Joseph Wright of Derby (1766)

  • The Henu Barque
  • Carceri Series, Plate XIV, (1745) by Giovanni Battista Piranesi
  • Agony In The Garden of Gesthemene by El Greco (1590s) 
  • The Embalming Ritual image from the Egyptian Book of the Dead which isn't part of the Henu Barque trail
Referenced in:
  • HR Giger's Necronom I (1976)
  • The orrery scene from Prometheus (2012)

e) Christ and the Canaanite Woman - (1784)  Germain-Jean Drouais

  • Philosopher lecturing on the Orrery (1766) by Joseph Wright of Derby

f) See: “The Death of Socrates” (1787) by Jacques-Louis David
  • The Henu Barque
  • Christ and the Canaanite Woman - (1784)  Germain-Jean Drouais
 Referenced in:
  • Marine store room from "The Adventures of Tintin and Red Rackham's Treasure"
    (1944) by Hergé
  • Illustration for Europ Assistance (published 1981) by Moebius

g) See: Nightmare (1791) Henry Fuseli

  •  The Henu Barque

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