Alien Explorations

The Henu barque trail through 19th century art?

leading from

a) Engraving of Henu Barque temple carving published in 1809 in "Description de L'Egypte".
Image is in the collection of Robert Temple and published in his book The Sphinx Mystery , 2009, p358

  • Seems to be based on the at the Temple of Rameses III at Medinet Habu .
Engraving of Henu Barque temple carving published in 1809 in "Description de L'Egypte"

b)  L'Origine Du Monde (1866) by Gustave Courbet

  • El Greco's Agony In The Garden of Gesthemane (1590s)

c) « Sudden Mania to Become Pianists created upon hearing Steinway’s Piano at the Paris Exposition ». D’après une lithographie de « Cham », Amédée de Noé. Tiré de : (Harper’s Weekly, August 1867)

  • The Witches Rout (Lo Stregozzo),  by Marcantonio Raimondi and Agostino Veneziano (1520 approx)

d) Isle of the dead (1880) by Arnold Böcklin

  • Gustave Courbet's Origin of the World (1866)
  • El Greco's Agony In The Garden of Gesthemane (1590s_

Isle of the Dead: "Basel" version, (1880) Arnold Böcklin

e) Pierre-Auguste Renoir's The Umbrellas (1886)


fSee: Jean Delville's Treasures of Satan (1894)

  • The Zig Zag Devil (not part of the Henu Barque Trail) 
  • The Henu Barque
  • The Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci (1593)

g) Paul Gauguin's Mahana No Atua (Day of the God), (1894)

  • The Henu Barque

Paul Gauguin's Mahana No Atua (Day of the God), (1894)

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