Alien Explorations

The Marriage of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa (Completion Date: 1751) Giovanni Battista Tiepolo

leading from

a) Detail of the bridge in her wedding dress references the Henu Barque? The boat becomes the blue cape of the woman's wedding outfit. Three pillars become the three poles with banners. What the three rudders became is debatable, especially with the low resolution of the image, but perhaps it might be the man in the white jacket facing away.

Detail of the bride in her wedding dress references the Henu Barque?

b) Detail of the bride in her wedding dress references the Henu Barque? The boat becomes the blue cape of the woman's wedding outfit. Three pillars become the three poles with banners. What the three rudders became is debatable, especially with the low resolution of the image, but perhaps it might be the man in the white jacket facing away.

Other comparable details below.

Oryx head and horns become arch and arched window?

Skirt becomes a cloth?

Bull horns and rope turn into staff?

c) Comparable to Piranesi's Carceri Series, Plate XIV,
Perhaps Piranesi showed Tiepolo what he was doing with the Henu Barque inspired Carceri Series, Plate XIV, and Tiepolo was interested interested in what he was doing. As well as figures and furniture. the architecture becomes inspired by what was happening in Piranesi's composition with architecture replacing the elements of the illustration of the Henu Barque.

Piranesi's Carceri Series, Plate XIV,

d) Comparison to The Lamentation (1455-60) by Petrus Christus
Looking at this painting and the use of the long cloak as a way of translating the boat, it could be comparable to what Petrus Christi did perhaps turning the boat into a funeral shroud for Christ's body back in the 1450s.

If we were to think about how this might be useful for someone attempting something in the manner of Surrealists, someone might want to inappropriately combine the two for Surrealist purposes having Christ's body pulled around on the back of the cape with all the people around them assisting and leave it as mysterious as that or transform it even further, adding elements from another Henu Barque based painting where they can recognise elements and integrate them into their new composition along with anything else that they might like to add. 

The Lamentation (1455-60) by Petrus Christus

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