Alien Explorations

Alien Covenant: Steve Messing's artwork

  • messingart:Alien Covenant Cathedral

    stretchthompson:👌 nice work man! Was there any reason they decided to go more in this direction for the city than the more HR Giger inspired juggernaut design?

    messingart: @stretchthompson we explored lots of ideas but settled on a more hellenistic approach

See also: Alien Covenant: Grmeč Monument to the Revolution as domed temple entrance

  • messingart Alien - Early cathedral study. Ridley wanted to pursue monumental spire structures. This was later developed into a more totemic and simplified form language.

    jupiterthoidingjam: For concept stages do you sometimes do camera projection just to have a feel of the environment ?? Just curious .awesome work.

    messingart:@jupiterthoidingjam thanks. ill use projections if I am adding more implied detail to a 3d concept for presentation

    mobedda: Looks incredible! I like this direction a lot! I honestly felt ambiguous about the city...i know it was originaly Inspired by mountains of madness but it ended up feeling greek'ish? Would be awesome to see more of the process:) thanks for sharing.

    messingart:@mobedda yes it become hellenic with some german post war influences

    kaitkybar: Beautiful. But I still don't get it why he didn't use space jockey/Giger design language. Copyright issues?

    messingart: @kaitkybar aesthetic choice

  • messingart: Alien Covenant Mothership 
    sergiichmyl: Spectacular @messingart! Did you design this thing that looks like the tail of a scorpion?

    messingart: @sergiichmyl yes I designed it using c4d and zbrush

  • raja.nandepu: Amazing mood sir..did you made base in c4d?
    messingart: Alien - Cathedral Tower. Another study exploring the abandoned Engineer world

    javiercattaino: Is it inspired on Zdzislaw Beksinski's work? @messingart

    messingart: @raja.nandepu yes I modeled a base layout and worked over it

    messingart: @javiercattaino yes with a dash of Giger

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