Alien Explorations

Independence Day: Likely sources of reference for
the ID4 alien exoskeleton suits: Comparison to Dali's The Painter's Eye from 1942

leading from
Independence Day: Likely sources of
reference for the ID4 alien exoskeleton suits
Salvador Dali's The Painter's Eye (1942)

Salvador Dali's The Painters Eye (1942)
a) On the 27th of September 2017, I discovered this Dali illustration and it's connection with the Henu Barque trail,  as it referenced a few other paintings to be found there.

This illustration by Salvador Dali appears to be something that HergĂ© would have used as reference when he drew his Unicorn shipwreck, translating the car growing out of the wall and the building with the humanoid head with a clock face on it, merging them together into the jelly fish, and the babies or midgets coming out from the tree become the fish.  

See: Dali's "Painter's" Eye (1942)

detail from The Painters Eye and alien in biomechanical suit costume.

b) Then I suddenly made the connection between the ID4 alien suit and the strange entity in Dali's illustration.

Here in the centre of the picture we have this humanoid with a giant eye and tendrils extending from him, as if those tendrils become the tentacles of the biomechanoid suit.

The suit would opens up like an eye, but sideways, contains the diminutive alien being inside.

The names "The Painters Eye" and "Independence Day" could sound very similar when mumbled.

alien and suit from Independence Day

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