Alien Explorations

Salvador Dali's "Soft Construction With Boiled Beans (premonition of a civil war)" (1936) references Exquisite Corpse landscape by Valentine Hugo, André Breton, Tristan Tzara, and Greta Knutson?

Leading from: 

a) I've just uploaded an exquisite corpse Landscape by Andre Breton and others from 1933 and I see signs of how Dali continued with ideas, shapes and forms from that painting in this one.

b) The slanting ribbed pattern on the decanter transform into the hand on the right

c) The human in white bending over as the person leaps above him, turns into a breast.

d) Perhaps also the stopper of the decanter has also transformed into the nipple and then one might also consider that the man in the background just appearing above the lower hands is also the top of the decanter.


Exquisite Corpse landscape (1933) by Valentine Hugo, André Breton, Tristan Tzara, and Greta Knutson.

e) The sleeping face of a woman turns into an old crone

f) The moustache at the lower left transforms into the palm of the gnarled hand in the lower left

g) The shoe transforms into the deformed foot standing on tip toe

h) There is a central shadowy figure, perhaps female, a genie coming out of a show, whose lower body is represented by a curling form and that lower body transforms into the shadowy side of the buttocks in Dali's painting.

i) The upper part of this shadowy body transforms into the lower leg standing on top of the buttocks on the right.

Salvador Dali's "soft construction with boiled beans (premonition of civil war)" (1936)

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