Alien Explorations

Unicorn shipwreck from "The Adventures of Tintin and the Red Rackham's Treasure" references Piranesi's Carceri series plate no.XIV?

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Unicorn shipwreck from "The Adventures of Tintin and Red Rackham's Treasure" (1944)
From Piranesi's Carceri to Herge's Unicorn seawreck to Giger's ZDF to Jim Cameron's whole sideview of an alien queen?

Unicorn shipwreck from "The Adventures of Tintin and the Red Rackham's Treasure"
(Original version of story published from 19 February 1943 – 23 September 1943 in Le Soir) by Hergé

a) Piranesi's illustration reversed next to the shipwreck. 
I suppose there's the general non specific use of beams from the Piranesi illustration slanting in various directions. One could think about how the pully ropes are transformed into the ropes hanging down the back of the ship but they are not in the right place. 
The various arches might inspire the windows but the ship window frames are not arched shaped.

b) However I think that the lower stairways become the fish

c) Also the pully wheel and the ropes hanging down become the jellyfish
 d) Various beams connecting together create the general outline fot the shipwreck

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