Alien Explorations

Connecting Albrecht Durer's Jesus Amongst The Doctors (1506), Wally Wood's "Roarin Rodney Roadrunner" cover illustration for Plop #15 (August 1975) and CT Thorne's Alien Queen Head for Aliens (released 1986)

leading from

Durer's Jesus Amongst The Doctors, (1506) by Albrecht Durer

"Roarin Rodney Roadrunner" cover illustration for Plop #15 (August 1975) by Wally Wood

CT Thorne's Alien Queen Head for Aliens (film released 1986)

a) The front of the parting in the hair becomes the corner of the number six as well as the string tied to it, and so the front of the parting and the string becomes the notch in the front of the hood of the Alien Queen's hood

b) The book becomes the eye lids which becomes the claw, but the claw might be influenced by elements of the bearded man's face

c) The dangling hair of Jesus becomes the black hair of Roarin Rodney Roadrunner which becomes the Alien Queen's mouth full of teeth

d) Man with white cape, Roarin Rodney Roadrunner and the alien queen

e) The beard and moustache become the legs and foot which becomes the alien queen's hand

f) Hand configuration , part of the road runner with the ear, and the chest of the alien queen

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