Alien Explorations

Jack Kirby: Panel from Marvel Comic's The Eternals #8 (February 1977) showing the Deviant City references Perseus (1888) by Edward Burne-Jones

Leading from: 

a) Panel from Marvel Comic's The Eternals #8 (February 1977) by Jack Kirby.

b) References Perseus: The Doom Fulfilled (1888) by Edward Burne-Jones

'Perseus: The Doom Fulfilled' by Edward Burne-Jones

c) The serpent heads

d) The sword and the exhaust trail

e) Part of serpent's body with Perseus' legs wrapped around it , and pillar with reptile sculpture

1 comment:

  1. "Jack Kirby: Panel from Marvel Comic's The Eternals #8 (February 1977) showing the Deviant City references Perseus (1888) by Edward Burne-Jones" was posted on 5th October 2019
