Alien Explorations

Alien Covenant: Stephane Levallois' Backburster opening a man up like a can of Coca Cola

 leading from

Stephane Levallois had previously done some spacecraft design for Prometheus.

He got involved with Alien Covenant project in its early days as Paradise.

A scene that he was given to explore was beginning of the backburster sequence, where there was something was coming out of the man's back but it was not described.

He proposed an idea for a the backburster scene where a man is opened up like a can of Coca Cola, and the sort of creature he drew was more in line with the ideas that were being explored inPrometheus

Ridley saw the design, called Stephane up over the phone and had him come over for three hours at his offices in London,  before he himself headed off to Sydney

  1. Stephane Levallois:Aux origines de la séquence, quelque chose lui sortait du dos mais non décrit et nous étions plus dans un bestiaire plus proche de la fin de "Prométheus"....Je proposais cette scène où un homme était "décapsulé"comme une canette de CocaCola...Ridley Scott voit ces dessins, m'appelle en direct et me fait venir travailler avec lui pour 3 heures dans ses bureaux à Londres avant de repartir à Sydney sur les repérages. La suite dans les prochaines parutions... (Facebook, September 29th 2017) (Google Translation: At the beginning of the sequence, something was coming out of the back but not described and we were closer in a bestiary closer to the end of " Prométheus ".... I proposed this scene where a man was " decapsulated " like a can of CocaCola... Ridley Scott sees these drawings, calls me live and has me come to work with him for 3 hours at his offices in London before heading back to Sydney on the spot. The rest in the next releases...)

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