Alien Explorations

Alien Resurrection : Motorised wheelchair for "Alien Resurrection" (1997) by Sylvain Despretz references "New England Tragedy" (1934) by Umberto Romano?

a) Motorised wheelchair by Sylvain Despretz for Alien Resurrection

Source: Facebook page for Los ángeles - a book of drawings and writing about movies.

b) New England Tragedy (1934) by Umberto Romano

New England Tragedy (1934) by Umberto Romano

c) Comparable part of New England Tragedy (1934) by Umberto Romano reversed next to Sylvain Despretz's illustration

Taking a good look at the illustration of the motorised Wheelchair for the character Vriess, I compared it to my lists of paintings and suddenly realised that it connected up with this one and I can see how it worked once  Romano's piece was reversed.

d)  The area that becomes the chair

e) The side of the building with the long pole becomes the sloping back of the chair

f)  The tombstones transformed into foot rests

g) The tombstone and the arm of the man playing the banjo become the rectangular cannisters

h) Distant tall structure becomes the top of the hand arm rest with the joystick

i) The woman lying across the ground becomes the long mudguard for the wheels, while perhaps the tombstones become the wheels


  1. "Alien Resurrection : Motorised wheelchair for "Alien Resurrection" (1997) by Sylvain Despretz references "New England Tragedy" (1934) by Umberto Romano?" was posted on 6th July 2020

  2. Replies
    1. No, but I was delighted to see this strange echo of Romano's painting in Despretz's piece here. I don't know what it should happen but it did. It's mainly down to the angles and colours

    2. Well, something to note about Umberto Romano's painting is that I think it had been used in some interesting ways by Max Ernst, Salvador Dali, Moebius, Hergé, Jack Kirby each in at least one significan picture and I suppose a few others. I don't know if any of them were high at the time, other than high with the excitement of creating these images. But once you know what other people might have done with it, you might want to calmly sit down and do something too, even you don't realise that's what you're near enough doing at the time

    3. So with that there's also a John Tenniel's Alice illustration and a "Pink Panther and the Inspector" cover comparison that I've just been able to work out in the last ten minutes, both of which were very interesting to see. With some images, there are often comparisons to be made from a dozen directions and a number of them can be seen to connect up with each other. So thank you for your question, since it brought me to take another look at this image.
