Alien Explorations

Minoan lentoid gem showing a sacred palm and wild goat (1200bc approx) referenced in assemblage of illustrations for Alice In Wonderland (From a book published 1923. Was this published earlier?) by John Tenniel


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a) Page with an assemblage of illustrations for Alice In Wonderland (From a book published 1923. Was this published earlier?) by John Tenniel
b) I'm not keen on the comparison because each image is from separate illustrations which might all reference something else, but I suppose some fit into place. 
As far as I know the lentoid would have nothing to do with the desert stone pectoral above

c) Circular nodules on the lower of the hind legs become the eyes of the cat

d) The mid part of of the long tailed creature becomes the dodo head and neck

e) The horns and the neck of the wild goat become the caterpillar with hookah

f) The lower part of the sacred palm becomes the upper half of the frog footman

g) The upper part of the sacred palm becomes the newt

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