Alien Explorations

Echoes of Occator crater on the Ceres planetoid in relief of Roman relief of a port scene from the Severan age


 leading from
The Occator crater lights on the Ceres planetoid


 a) Roman relief of a scene of port from the Severan age (Between 193 and 235. AD)

(The so-called Torlonia relief was found in 1863 in Portus by Pietro Ercole Visconti)

b) Occator Crater

As usual, the question about why there might be any comparable elements is not easy to answer. 

It might help if someone saw the place in a remote viewing or out of body experience, or perhaps a space traveller from another planet, or even a nice Roman deity shared a few photographs or holographic displayed in centuries gone past. 

But here I am still looking for comparisons.



c) The Cerealia Facula area

c.i) The Cerealia Facula and the relief.

Cerealias Facula becomes the ship with sail. The white area will have been turned into the main structure of the ship itself and the people aboard, while the unlit area to the upper right will have become the sail


c.ii) Pasola Facula (which is a part of Cerealia Facula) and its equivalent

Pasola Facula (which is a part of Cerealia Facula) and its equivalent. Indeed, I accept that the relief was based on a the ship that may have had a window space of this shape in this part tof the vessel



c.iii) The lower part of Cerealia Facula with its fractures forming a rough polygonal shape and the ship's hull


d.iv) The 'head & shoulders' area  and the bow of the ship.

Perhaps the shadowy like extending from the top right of the "head & shoulders" area matches up with the bowsprit



b) Vinalia Facula and the relief

b.i) Vertical belt of lights in the left of Vinalia Faculae and corresponding deity. 

Please understand that I don't think that the belt of lights represents the deity but any sense of the formation would have been been adapted and the artist needed to find a place to put a god.

There almost seems to be an impression of a face in the Occator rock that might almost be in the right place for this male figure's head.



b.ii) Upper part of Vinalia Faculae and corresponding area with ship rigging



b.iii) Area in the left side of the middle of Vinalia Facula where a male nude figure would be placed




b.iv) Far right area of Vinalia Faculae and corresponding features

Upper far right part of Vinalia Faculae corresponds to a wheel, and the middle part of the far right corresponds to a seemingly amorphous figure with a formation on top that seemes to be the hand of a goddess off to the right but the lower arm has broken. 

The space between the thumb and finger appears to correspond to a curious gaping hole in Vinalia Faculae.

Meanwhile, the lower right part of Vinilia Facula and a mysterious eye.

1 comment:

  1. "Echoes of Occator crater on the Ceres planetoid in relief of Roman relief of a port scene from the Severan age" was posted on 23rd June 2021
