Alien Explorations

Map of Mars (compiled 1877-1886) by Giovanni Schiaparelli references 'Gryphon asleep' by John Tenniel for Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland (Published 1865).?

 leading from


a) Map of Mars  (compiled 1877-1886) Giovanni Schiaparelli




b) 'Gryphon asleep' by John Tenniel for Lewis Carrol's Alice in Wonderland (Published 1865).  

There's no information anywhere that I've read that said that Schiaparelli ever picked up an Alice In Wonderland book but at least he would have been able to get hold of a copy



c) The beak becomes Neith Regio. The main head becomes Isidia Regio to Libya


d) The ear on the right becomes Hesperia



e) The claws becomes the area with the Boreas stretching to the Fretum Anian with a distant claw becoming the Styx




f) The gryphon's back Thaumasia, the leg becomes Chrysa, while it's rear becomes Tempe and Arcadia.


g) The areas comparable to the sleeping gryphon form to be found on the Schiaparelli Mars map drawn over in red


h) Recent photograph of Mars above Schiaparelli's map for comparison. Perhaps there are changes in the way that the landforms look but perhaps the way the gryphon would be layed out across the surface of Mars might still be evident

1 comment:

  1. "Map of Mars (compiled 1877-1886) by Giovanni Schiaparelli references 'Gryphon asleep' by John Tenniel for Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland (Published 1865)?" was posted 25th November 2021
