Alien Explorations

HR Giger: Biomechanic landscape (unfinished) (1988) by HR Giger references Panel showing Darkseid and the Anti-Life equation from Saga of the Swamp Thing Vol 2 #62 (Published 1987) by Rick Veitch and Alfredo Alcala?

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a) Biomechanic landscape (unfinished) (1988) by HR Giger

a.i) Low resolution image of the whole painting

a.ii) Higher resolution image photographed by Kean Robertson (posted at Building Better Worlds )
b) Panel showing Darkseid and the Anti-Life equation from Saga of the Swamp Thing Vol 2 #62 (Published 1987) by Rick Veitch and Alfredo Alcala

c) One above the other

d) Darkseid's head integrated into the painting
d.i) The face and equivalent area with the mouth becoming the kneeling left on the right

d.ii) The ear part of the Darkseid's helmet becomes a woman's left abdomen



d.iii) The upper face and equivalent area


 d.iv) Darkseid's mouth and the equivalent kneeling leg



e) Darkseid's hand with motherbox and the equation referenced into the painting?

e.i) The slant of the mother box also becomes the lower leg that the crease of on the left side of the nose and mouth becomes

e.ii) The ying and yang becomes the buttocks for another body while the forefinger holding the motherbox becomes the kneeling leg



e.iii) Going by their position, the two symbols, one on top of the other could become the back of the upper torso

e.iv) The bracket and pointed elipse would become the lower torso, upper legs and the space between the legs of another body

e.v) The vitrulian man becomes the buttocks of a woman with the serpent becoming her arm

1 comment:

  1. "HR Giger: Biomechanic landscape (unfinished) (1988) by HR Giger references Panel showing Darkseid and the Anti-Life equation from Saga of the Swamp Thing Vol 2 #62 (Published 1987) by Rick Veitch and Alfredo Alcala?" was posted on 22nd February 2022
