Alien Explorations

Aliens: Jim Cameron's Alien Queen whole front view concept drawing references Vlad Tepes (1978) by HR Giger?

leading from
a) Jim Cameron's Alien Queen whole front view concept drawing

(Unfortunately it has only appeared as a low quality image as a part of someone's film memorabilia on the internet)
b) Vlad Tepes (work 412 (1978) by HR Giger  

 c)  Upper right areas to compare

d) Horizontal spikes become the alien queen's lower back spines and the space between the alien queen's lower and upper jaw

e)  I want point out to this section of Giger's painting generally becomes the place where the Queen's head is drawn in with the spike as the place where the alien queen's upper and lower jaw meet

f) Fan or crest on the side of headdress on the far upper right of Giger's painting becomes the right side of the Alien queen's crest
g) Comparable upper middle areas

h) Biomechanical features and tendrils as seen in abover detail and the comparable area in the drawing

i) Dark male buttocks on left of Giger's painting becomes the left leg while I suppose the negative space down the below becomes the place for the Alien Queen's foot.

j) Genital area becomes the lower part of the top of the alien queen's leg

k) Comparable area with the pelvic area being used as the pelvic area
l) Area going towards the right leg in Giger's painting and the equivalent with right leg in the Alien Queen
m) Deformed foetal head becomes the neck area with the groin below becoming the alien queen's groin
n) So it seems as if these deformed little limbs here have become the Alien Queen's mini t-rex style arms

o) Head of demon like thng holding cross becomes the alien queen's elbow on the left, and the tendril coming out from its side that seems to merge with a sing becmes the Alien Queen's upper back spike


1 comment:

  1. "Aliens: Jim Cameron's Alien Queen whole front view concept drawing references Vlad Tepes (1978) by HR Giger?" was posed on October 1st 2022
