Alien Explorations

Aliens: From Study for a Bullfight no 2 (1969) by Francis Bacon to the cover of The Inspector #1 (July 1974) to Dali's Le Dernier Venue De La Derniere Planete to Giger's ZDF (1980) to a sideview of Alien Queen by Jim Cameron for Aliens?

a) Alien Queen side view concept drawing by Jim Cameron

b) Cover of The Inspector #1 comic book references Study for a Bullfight no. 2 (1969) by Francis Bacon? (to come)


d) Le Dernier Venue De La Derniere Planete, (From the Conquest of Space II series) (1974) by Salvador Dali references Study for a Bullfight no. 2 (1969) by Francis Bacon? (to come)

g) See: Sideview of Alien Queen by Jim Cameron for Aliens references Le Dernier Venue De La Derniere Planete, (From the Conquest of Space II series) (1974) by Salvador Dali ?

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