Alien Explorations

Alien Resurrection: Motorised wheelchair for Alien Resurrection (1997) by Sylvain Despretz references cover of The Inspector #6 (October 1975)?


leading from
a) Motorised wheelchair for Alien Resurrection (1997) by Sylvain Despretz 
b) Cover of The Inspector #6 (October 1975)
c) As the inspector walks leaning forwards, the tilt of the belt becomes as the tilt of the seat

 d) Foot on the right becomes the footrests
 e) The foot print tracks become a starting point for a row of wheels on this mini tank like body

f) Perhaps the Pink Panther with satchel becomes near enough the back of the chair but the satchel itself becomes part of the vertical plates on the upper parts of the section with wheels

g) But one would say that the face of the Inspector becomes the back of the chair


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