Alien Explorations

Aliens: Asterix using a red cloak in a bullfight with an aurocs becomes Ripley using a powerloader to fight the alien queen, rescuing in this instance Spurius Brontosaurus who becomes Newt?


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a) Asterix using a red cloak in a bullfight with an aurocs becomes Ripley using a powerloader to fight to fight the alien queen, rescuing in this instance Spurius Brontosaurus who becomes Newt

In the circus of Hispalis, they enact the story's 'myth' of bullfighting, wherein Asterix, having seized an accidently dropped red cloak belonging to a Roman spectator who is Julius Caesar's half cousin by marriage, is repeatedly charged by an aurochs, which he ultimately tricks into knocking itself senseless.

The Aurochs unleashed into the bull ring where it charges after Spurius Brontosaurus until Asterix calls the creature away to get its attention before it charges after him.

This could be compared to the vengeful Alien Queen getting aboard the Sulaco and as if comes out from beneath the ship, before it could set its sight on getting Newt, Ripley tries to draw its attention away as Newt escapes under the floor while Ripley goes of to get a powerloader suit while shutting the door behind her, and perhaps like a bull the alien queen batters the door with her alien

As the Alien queen hunts for the little girl pulling out the floor panels, Ripley comes out with the powerloader to chuck the alien queen around and soon they fall down into the airlock shaft in the floor before Ripley ejects it into space.

With his victory, Asterix is released and Spurius Brontosaurus, discharged from the army, gladly decides to make his living as a bullfighter.


b) Page featuring the wild Aurocs coming after Spurius Brontosaurus


c) The Alien queen is after Ripley and Newt

The alien queen appears from beneath the dropship having torn Bishop the android apart. 
Ripley worried about Newt distracts the queen while Newt runs to a hatch leading under the floor
Ripley shows up with the power loader and tells the alien queen beast "Get away from her you bitch!"








d) Asterix grabs the cape to tire the aurocs out until it eventually hits a wall and that's the end.


e) Model shot of Ripley in her powerloader suit fighting the alien queen

f)  Ripley battles with the alien queen

Ripley now has the power loader suit to confront the creature known as the alien queen, and fight it
Grabbing the creature, she chucks the creature around almost like a rag doll.
She soon pulls it down with the power loader into the airlock shaft, before ejecting it through the door into outer space







1 comment:

  1. "Aliens: Asterix using a red cloak in a bullfight with an aurocs becomes Ripley using a powerloader to fight the alien queen, rescuing in this instance Spurius Brontosaurus who becomes Newt?" was posted on 13th December 2022 and was since updated
