Alien Explorations

Wernher Von Braun's Space Wheel (1956) as seen in a Walt Disney documentary


a) Segment of the Papyrus of Ani and screen captures of Wernher von Braun with this diagram of the space station ring. 

Obviously the space suits standing against the walls are the underworld gateway guardians of the future.

A starting point here would be to claim that the artwork for this Space Wheel was done in such a manner that they made use of the Egyptian book of the dead, and perhaps then this went on to inspire people such as Stanley Kubrick when he made 2001: A Space Odyssey and also Ridley Scott when he made Alien.

b) See: The Astronomy Section


1 comment:

  1. "Wernher Von Braun's Space Wheel (1956) as seen in a Walt Disney documentary" was posted December 3rd 2022
