Alien Explorations

Alien: Early storyboard showing Brett's death scene for "Alien" (early 1978) by Ridley Scott references panel from The Adventures of Tintin and the Cigars of the Pharoahs, originally published in January 1933 in La Petit "Vingtieme" #4?

Leading from


a) Early storyboard showing Brett's death scene for "Alien" (early 1978) by Ridley Scott 



b) Panel showing the hallucination scene from The Adventures of Tintin and The Cigars of the Pharoahs, originally published in January 1933 in La Petit "Vingtieme" #4


c) The two images side by side. 

 It becomes necessary to reverse the image to look for similarities

The images of the Pharoah who has no lower body, with his arm bent becomes the alien beast hanging downwards from the ceiling to grab Brett. 

It's more to do with the idea of whats going on in the panel from the comic book in relation to the story and what it meant for the events in Alien, rather than an attempt to absorb the picture into the storyboard


d.i) Middle right areas to compare

 The arm of the phantom pharoah becomes the arm of the alien beast

d.ii) Anubis head becomes the shoulder and arm of the victim as well as side of upper torso


e.i) Lower right areas to compare

e.ii)  The crouching Tintin becomes the legs
e.iii) The umbrella becomes the man in the distance

e.iv) Tintin's cowering body also becomes the piping in the lower middle of the illustration

f.i) Left side areas to compare
The clouds of gas become the docking claw

 f.ii) The side of the head dress perhaps becomes the arm of the docking claw seen here

g.i) Top right area to compare
One could assume that the side of the head dress hanging downwards becomes the lower torso with the legs of the alien beast 
Meanwhile the beard becomes the ribcage

 g.ii) With that the top of the Pharoah's headdress becomes the head of the alien beast

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