Alien Explorations

Aliens: Alien Queen Egg Layer concept art for Aliens (film released 1986) Jim Cameron references Chiquita (Work 190) (1972) by HR Giger?


 leading from 



a) Concept art for Alien Queen Egg Layer


 b) Chiquita (Work 190) (1972)



c) One over the other


 c.i) area to compare



c.ii) Biomechanoid's figure with elbows held outwards becomes the position of the alien queen


c.iii) Lower abdomen like feature and  the beginning of the egg sack

d) Biomechanoid's females head and headgear further to the right but out of its position in the picture becomes the  alien queen's crest


e)Like bulbous bone like structure and the ovipositor

One might consider the idea that the testicular structures might have become as it were the upper part



g) Horizontal phallic structure and the horizontal pipe 

1 comment:

  1. "Aliens: Alien Queen Egg Layer concept art for Aliens (film released 1986) Jim Cameron references Chiquita (Work 190) (1972) by HR Giger? " was posted on 3rd March 2023
