Alien Explorations

Alien:Romulus - Cameron watches a roughcut of the film

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a) Cameron watches a roughcut of the film

Cameron watched a roughcut about six months befor its release and gave his feedback on it. 

Whatever Ridley said, Cameron said something completely different, they wouldn't repeat a note.

They were all interesting comments and notes, but they had a completely different approach


b) Cameron's opinion about his own contribution

Cameron's point of view was that he didn't have a big creative input in the film unlike Ridley Scott who was acting as producer. 

It wasn't as if Cameron and Fede were close friends either, but still Fede felt very privilaged for Cameron's support

  1. Fede Alvarez: Then he also watched the cut when it was ready, and gave his feedback on it. He's been super supportive. I’m so privileged to have someone like Cameron giving us his time, and helping us to make this movie better. (
  2. Fede Alvarez: He’s now seen the movie and loved it. It’s also fascinating because [Cameron and Scott’s] notes and comments are completely different. (Laughs.) They wouldn’t repeat a note. Whatever Ridley said, Cameron said something different. They were all super smart comments, notes and thoughts on the film and the filmmaking, et cetera, but both of them have completely different approaches. So the fantastic part of being able to make this film is to have the chance to work with them.(
  3. Hollywood Reporter: Touching on some other things in your filmic universe. This week we have Alien: Romulus opening — a film you have seen. What did you think of it? [Alverez has previously said Cameron has “seen the movie and loved it” and that he gave notes]. s

    James Cameron: I saw a rough cut six months ago, so I’m sure it’s changed a lot. And I viewed it once. I gave some notes to [director Fede Álvarez]. He and I aren’t close pals. I mean, I wish him the best with it, but I think it’s been overstated that I had some big creative input to that film. I think Ridley [Scott] did because Ridley was an actual producer on the film. So I’m just putting it in perspective.(

1 comment:

  1. "Alien:Romulus - Cameron watches a roughcut of the film" was posted as an individual page on 13th August 2024
