Alien Explorations

The 'Pakal Votan' tomb lid: Referenced in "Return trip ship debarking on the moon" (1952) by Wernher Von Braun?


leading from 


a) "Return trip ship debarking on the moon" (1952) by Wernher Von Braun

b) Drawing of the tomb lid of the Mayan king Pacal, discovered in 1952


c) The cosmic bird becomes the personnel sphere while the serpent bar becomes a horizontal frame extending out from the sides


d) King Pacal and the trunk of the tree of life becomes the gas tanks

e) The head of the sun god become the rocket thrusters

f) The tendrils at the side of Xibalba's maw become the landing legs


1 comment:

  1. "The 'Pakal Votan' tomb lid: Referenced in "Return trip ship debarking on the moon" (1952) by Wernher Von Braun? " was posted 27th November 2024
