Alien Explorations

Alien Covenant: Billy Crudup plays Christopher Oram

leading from 

a) Interest in Alien
Alien was one of Billy Crudup's favourite movies.

He was possibly never much of a fan of horror movies, but he thought Alien was more akin to Stanley Kubrick's The Shining or perhaps some other film that was horrifying and existential and this was something that impressed Crudup because he thought that was hard to do.

It was also done with expert acting and Crudup loved the people that he chose so he was quite flattered to be in the company of so many of the great actors that he picked for the Alien movies.

b) Casting for Alien Covenant
News came in late February 2016 that Crudup was in advanced negotiations for a key role in Alien: Covenant.

When the film was coming into production, he became aware of a role that hadn't been cast yet, through his agent, and so he put myself on tape for the casting director with his particular point of view about who this character could be.

It just happened to pair up with Ridley, which became Crudup's good fortune.

c) Oram 
Crudup plays Christopher Oram, the first mate and chief science officer onboard the Covenant. This character is a very serious person, and doesn't have the best sense of humour and was very serious minded, to the extent that complication alienated him from other people

When Crudup first auditioned for the role, in the script that he read, he was a sort of antagonist. His response was "Well, I’m not so interested in playing him like that." He instead wanted to play him as someone who really thought that he's doing a great job, and he's so focused on that , that he's doing a horrible job of socializing and leading, but he wasn't because he was someone awful or nefarious

Manwhile there's Katherine Waterston's character Daniels and partner is the captain played by James Franco, they're secularists , they're adventurous, and they're pioneers.  The captain is younger than Oram, while Oram has been part of the program for some time, and Oram had the expectation that he would be in charge of the mission and hat in fact his faith, or his struggle with faith, was an impediment to him ascending. So his source of conflict in addition to him being very self serious and them being normal.

Some explore with religious fervor, and some explore  for the joy of exploring, while some people do it out of curiosity to discover more about themselves and the universe.

This journey for Oram was not a lark, for him is was an act of providence, and he felt as if he has a strong sense of why he was a part of the mission.

Were it not for the life forms that he would encounter in the movie, he would be quite thrilled at the breadth of god's creation

Source Quote
  1. Billy Crudup, who was part of the killer ensemble cast of Best Picture Oscar nominee Spotlight, has lined up two more big pics. He is in advanced negotiations for a key part in Alien: Covenant, the sequel to Ridley Scott’s Prometheus that is set to begin production next month in Australia. He also joined the cast of Jackie, the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis biopic starring Natalie Portman and produced by Darren Aronofsky.  ( February 25, 2016)
  2. Billy Crudup: I became aware of a role that hadn't been cast yet, through my agent, and I put myself on tape for the casting director with my particular POV about who this character could be. It just happened to pair up with Ridley – it's my good fortune.( 9 June 2016)
  3. Billy Crudup: Working with him has been so kick-ass and I think he's a really fascinating filmmaker and presence – a collaborator. He's got a very clear idea about how it will be told cinematically. ( 9 June 2016)
  4. Billy Crudup: Alien was one of my favourite movies of all time, no question. I don't think I've ever really been much of a horror fan but what Ridley is able to do in the original Alien was much more akin to The Shining or something horrifying and existential, than strictly a horror movie and I thought that was really hard to do.( 9 June 2016)
  5. Billy Crudup: It was also done with expert acting and I love the people that he chooses so I'm pretty flattered to be in the company of so many of the great actors that he's picked for the Alien movies. ( 9 June 2016)
  6.  Uproxx:Well, you’re in Alien now and that’s set in the future. So you’ve broken that.
    Billy Crudup: That’s exactly right! That’s a very, very good point. And that was another unbelievable experience. Michael Fassbender is just on fire right now.
    Uproxx: I saw a recent presentation of footage. It looks legitimately frightening.
    Billy Crudup:
    That’s awesome. Well, I can tell you it wasn’t frightening to make it during, but I know what we were going for should be fucking terrifying.

    A lot of aliens popping out of people’s backs this time.

    Billy Crudup:
    Was I in the footage shown?

    Yes.That’s my only question.

    Uproxx:You are exploring a planet while an alien attacks the ship, then the ship catches fire…
    Billy Crudup:
    Yes, with my wife on board. I remember it vividly.

    Uproxx: It looks horrifying.
    Billy Crudup:
    That’s awesome. Ridley Scott, I would jump at the chance to work with him again. I don’t know, man. When you start talking about it, it’s just been such a great ride. And being old enough to appreciate it is a gift on top of it, because I do ( 20th December 2016)
  7. Billy Crudup talks about the character Daniels being a jerk but then talked about his own character Christopher Orman, the first mate and chief science officer onboard the Covenant, 

    Orman is a complicated person, He’s a very serious person, He doesn’t have the best sense of humor. And I think Katherine and her husband are secularists and they’re adventurous…these people are pioneers. Some [explore] with a religious fervor, some do it for the joy of exploring, some people do it out of curiosity to discover more about themselves and the universe.

    When I first auditioned for this, the script that I read, he was sort of an antagonist, And I was like, ‘Well, I’m not so interested in playing him like that.’ I’d rather play him as someone who really thinks he’s doing a great job, and he’s so focused on that that he’s doing a horrible job of socializing and a horrible job of leading, but it’s not because he’s a sh*tty guy and it’s not because he’s nefarious or something. 

    I think that complication alienates him from people. He’s a serious minded person -  he doesn’t have a great sense of humor... for Oram this is not a lark. This [journey] is an act of providence. He feels as though he has a strong sense of why he is part of this mission.(
  8. Billy Crudup: When I first auditioned for this, the script that I read, he was sort of an antagonist, And I was like, ‘Well, I’m not so interested in playing him like that.’ I’d rather play him as someone who really thinks he’s doing a great job, and he’s so focused on that that he’s doing a horrible job of socializing and a horrible job of leading, but it’s not because he’s a sh*tty guy and it’s not because he’s nefarious or something.(
  9. Billy Crudup: The problem with Daniels and her partner is that he’s the captain. And he’s also younger than me, and I’ve been a part of this program for some time and then in the system for some time. I think Oram had the expectation that he would be in charge of this mission and that in fact his faith, or his struggle with his faith, was an impediment to him ascending. So I think that’s the source of the conflict in addition to him being very self-serious and them being, um…. normal.(
  10. Billy Crudup: The problem with Daniels and her partner [played by James Franco] is that her partner is the captain, And he’s also younger than Oram. And Oram’s been a part of this programme for some time. And been in the system for some time. (
  11. (After laughingly referring to Daniels as a jerk.) Crudup: Orman is a complicated person, He’s a very serious person, He doesn’t have the best sense of humor. And I think Katherine and her husband are secularists and they’re adventurous…these people are pioneers. Some [explore] with a religious fervor, some do it for the joy of exploring, some people do it out of curiosity to discover more about themselves and the universe. (
  12. Billy Crudup: This is not a lark for him. This is an act of providence for Orman (
  13. Billy Crudup: My suspicion, were it not the life forms he encountered here, he would be quite thrilled at the breadth of god’s creation. (Collider) 
  14. Billy Crudup: I think that complication alienates him from people. He’s a serious minded person -  he doesn’t have a great sense of humor... for Oram this is not a lark. This [journey] is an act of providence. He feels as though he has a strong sense of why he is part of this mission.(

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