Alien Explorations

Alien Covenant: Callie Hernandez

leading from 

a) Casting
Callie was shooting the movie Graves in Albuquerque, she had just arrived there and no one to read with since everyone was working.

She then called a friend and said  "Can you just record these lines with spaces in between them into your phone, and I'll film it in my hotel room on my own."

She watched the first tape and thought "Oh my God, this is ridiculous, this is hilarious."

Within three hours of her sending in the tape, she was called back and they said that they wanted to see another tape.

She then called another friend and did it again .

Then she came to LA and met with some people and that was it.

She had no idea of what character she was playing and no idea of what the script was like, but she knew it was Ridley Scott directing and that there was an incredible cast, so that was fine for her

Her manager called her to tell her she gold the role, and she began the quintessential crying, screaming and sh was sweating for some reason.

Perhaps she asked "Okay, what role am I playing?"

The manager jokingly replied, "You're playing the Alien. No one told you?"

All they knew was the name of her character until perhaps a month before going to Australia. 

b) Memory of the filming
She was used to being in various ensemble productions.

She was very surprised with how much hey all hung out in Australia togethr while filming Alien and so how much they all went to get dinner together.

There would be a moment wher she was sitting around and saying aloud "Okay, hi, Billy Crudup. Hi, Katherine Waterston. Hi, Michael Fassbender. I did get cast in this somehow, so I somehow deserve to be here."

Everyone was very welcoming , open and warm.

She managed to work a lot with Danny McBride and she appreciated him

Callie found that the sets seemed very real, she would be aboard the ship set and would hear Ridley say ‘Turn on the hydraulics.

She would wonder what he was talking about , then the set started shaking and that she would realise what he was talking about.

She finished shooting in June

  1. Callie Hernandez was on a Television Critics Association panel for the upcoming Epix original series Graves this weekend. Since I had just seen her in Blair Witch at Comic-Con, I approached Hernandez after the panel for an interview. She was also coming off of Alien: Covenant. “I just finished shooting in June,” Hernandez told me.Describing Alien: Covenant, Hernandez told me how director Ridley Scott employed practical sets to simulate the intensity of the space mission. “The sets are very real,” Hernandez said. “You’re in this built ship and then he’s like [in British accent], ‘Turn on the hydraulics.’ Then you’re like, what is he talking about? Then it’s suddenly shaking and you’re like, ‘Oh, that’s what he means.’ So the sets were pretty unreal.
    As for the famous xenomorph, Hernandez assured us that seeing the creature in real life did not destroy the illusion at all. “No, it was just as terrifying as you would ever imagine it to be,” she said
    . (
  2. Callie Hernandez: I didn't know anything [when I auditioned]. I was shooting Graves in Albuquerque; I had just gotten there. I had no one to read with since everyone was working, so I called a friend of mine and I said, "Can you just record these lines with spaces in between them into your phone, and I'll film it in my hotel room on my own." That's what I did, and I remember watching the first tape going, "Oh my God, this is ridiculous, this is hilarious." Then, within, like, three hours of me sending in the tape, they called back and they said they wanted to see another tape. So I called another friend and I did it again. Then I came to L.A. and I met with some people and that was that. I had no idea what character I was playing—no idea what the script was like—but I knew it was Ridley Scott and I knew it was an incredible cast, so it was a no brainer.(
  3. Callie Hernandez: When my manager called me and told me I got the role, it was the quintessential crying, screaming. I was sweating for some reason. I was like, "Okay, what role am I playing?" And my manager jokingly said, "You're playing the Alien. No one told you?" All we knew was the name of my character until maybe a month before going to Australia.  (
  4. Callie Hernandez:  Pretty much everything I've done has been ensemble. I was really surprised with how much we all hung out in Australia [while filming Alien] and how much we all went to get dinner. There was a moment where I was sitting around, I was like, "Okay, hi, Billy Crudup. Hi, Katherine Waterston. Hi, Michael Fassbender. I did get cast in this somehow, so I somehow deserve to be here." I've been pleasantly surprised at how welcoming everyone has been and so open and warm. That sounds like a crock of shit, but it really has been pretty amazing. I worked with Danny McBride quite a bit on Alien and he's just the best. So it wasn't really that isolating. I think the most isolating experience was shooting Graves because it was in Albuquerque and my character has all these tattoos, so I was either in a trailer getting tattooed up, or I really only worked with Nick Nolte and Skylar Astin, and they worked more than I did. (

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