Alien Explorations

Alien vs Predator Requiem:
Farzad Varahramyan's Predaliens

leading from

a) Farzad hired by ADI
Farzad Varahramyan was hired by ADI to create concept art for the Predalien. We find several sketches and a painting. The mandibles are elongated with long teeth. The sketches feature the creature with a bulbous cranium that is not very elongated in comparison to the ones that we often see, but this creature has long finger like projections coming out of the back instead of the typical spines that hang down the side of the Predator's head like dreadlocks.

b) Predalien head, 26th March 2005

  • 1) combo dreds - face-hugger
  • 2) The Mandibles shoot out like the alien tongue
  • 3) -
  • 4) i) shorter head, ii) alien dome mimics predator helmet, iii) dreadlocks are tipped with acid loaded stingers
  • 26th March 2005
c) Predalien whole body , 26th March 2005

26th March 2005

d)  Predalien fighting a Predator (9th June 2006)

  • Hybrid 007  
  • Acid Tipped stingers extend on demand and are whipped around by head action 
  • 27th March 2005

e)  Predalien fighting a Predator (9th June 2006)

Predalien fighting a Predator (9th June 2006)

Farzad also created a painting of the Predalien, the lower mandibles have teeth running along them and what appears to be a tendon running beneath it. He decided to give his version of the creature a long tale with a scorpion's stinger at the end.
  • farzad_varahramyan: AVP-R Design Sketches: PREDALIEN. This was one of the first images I was tasked with on the project. Just a way to dive into the idea of this hybrid creature: taking 2 of the greatest original alien designs ever and mixing them. Another great collaboration with Tom and Alec at Studio ADI. (February 14th 2019

f) Drawing no.1 ) Predalien (10th June 2006)

Drawing no.1 ) Predalien (10th June 2006)
  • Shiny dome on "Face" transitions into bony ridged  dome
  • Larger face proportions, w/ more powerful mandibles
  • Lower jaw has dual fangs 

g) Drawing No 2)  Predalien (10th June 2006)

Drawing No 2)  Predalien (10th June 2006)
  • Arachnid like mandibles
  • Ribbed dome
  • Larger mouth
  • More angular lines

h) Drawing No.3) Hybrid 010 (11th June 2006)

Drawing No.3) Hybrid 010 (11th June 2006)
  • Face hugger influence on face & head dome  
  • More angular cheeks

i) Drawing No. 4) Hybrid 011  Predalien with spidery finger dreadlocks (11th June 2006)

Drawing No. 4) Hybrid 011  Predalien with spidery finger dreadlocks (11th June 2006)
  • farzad_varahramyan: AVP-R Design Sketches: PREDALIEN: started exploring dreads that were blended with the Facehuger fingers, as well as adding more angular reptilian elements to the biomedical alien anatomy. Another great collaboration with Tom and Alec at Studio ADI. (February 18th 2019,

j) Drawing No.5)  Farzad's Predalien face (11th June 2006)

Drawing No.5)  Farzad's Predalien face (11th June 2006)
        •    Took some genetic cues from scar -AVP1
        •    Vaginal shapes from predator inner mouth - above upper lip
        •    Scar's facial proportions 7 lower jaw/chin
        •    Mandibles could point down to follow angular lines of face. Mandibles will articulate lines of face. Mandibles will articulate & fangs rotate to configure more to a pred silhouette

        •    Angular cheek forms

k) Drawing No.6) Predalien body (11th June 2006)

Drawing No.6) Predalien body (11th June 2006)

  • farzad_varahramyan: AVP-R Design Sketches: PREDALIEN: blending more Predator sharp shaped anatomy into the Alien physiology. The tail starts hinting at the same design language as I had planned out for the Woolf Predator whip sketch. To “blend” the two species into this hybrid, was a great personal exercise in breaking down the individual key elements which makes each species so unique. And when you think you have figured it out, the real experts like Tom and Alec would share things that you’ve never read or seen anywhere, but that they have inferred by the smallest physical or behavioral detail of the character. Always a great learning experience with those two gentlemen. (February 19 2019

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