Alien Explorations

Alien vs Predator: Michael Broom's Predalien

Hybrid 034 (06/13/06).  Broom's predalien with horizontal rear headspines

same image as above but presented brighter and with more colour

Hybrid 036 (06/14/04) Broom's predalien with rear claw like spines

Broom's predalien with articulated back spines and a head with a 
alien queen like ridges
Broom's Predalien with claw like back spines.

Hybrid 38 - June 13th 2006
Broom's predalien with vertical hanging side head spines, short horizontal 
head spines and a head with a alien queen like back ridges
Broom's Predalien face
upper torso and head of Predalien by Broom

Predalien (see lower image at Predators concept art by Michael Broom for comparison)
Predalien head with tendrils turned into claw like fingers by Broom

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